My note about DMR
This is the hotspot (here to buy) using Raspberry Pi Zero.
Then you have to buy a DMR radio, ie TYT MD-380. can QSO with RKL too since RKL support C4FM
DMR can bridge to WiresX <-- need to learn more about this
If you hear like QRM on RKL, that means 2 person QSO using DMR on hotspot
I used to hear 9W2DOV(Melaka) and 9W2KJS (Penang)
DMR + MMDVM hotspot WW QSO
if you want to DIY, here is the one with Raspberry Pi (link to
mmdvm hotspot + piZeroW + DMR/C4FM radio
DMR org selalu kat UHF.
byk hotspots on UHF, though boleh gak work on VHF, tapi kena ada modification and probably tukar antenna
hotspot macam node/gateway. same as simplex gateway. kalau ko pernah work on echolink punye gateway, camtu lah.
ni DMR pun kena register number, dulu2 x payah hantar AA, tapi lately, diaorg nak kena htr AA utk apply for the DMR number
Full set rm335~ ship to door step~
so, kalau aku ada radio c4fm and can transmit to RKL, meaning aku boleh qso dgn ppl on DMR oso? meaning I don't need the hotspot?
depends :) org yg kat DMR tu dia kena connected to BM TG50210 :)
kalau go for DMR, tak leh guna RKL digital (boleh guna RKL analog)
kalau go for YSF, kalau ada DMR nnti, tak tentu lagi boleh access ke idak
but .. hehe, kat Malaysia, amatur punye, DMR ada satu je kat penang, tu pun VHF
ramai gang2 Jln Klang Lama beli FT70DR tapi jarang dengar depa on air
apa maksud connected network. bukan kalau dah connected to hotspot then we connected WW
well, ada banyak network .. DMR at least rasanye ada 2 main one
lepas tu tak semua yg ada link ke different network
for us in Malaysia, kita guna BrandMeister network
as long as the other party connected to the same DMR network, meaning we can QSO with that person ya
dalam Malaysia BM network, kita dah set aside a link TalkGroup 50210 (DMR) ke Wires-X Room (Yaesu), ke YSF (Yaesu alternative network) dan XLX522 (reflector for DSTAR)
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